Move forward with confidence

Reign Legal has been servicing clients within an Agreed Pricing framework since inception. Whilst this ‘set fee’ pricing model is still uncommon for many law firms, our goal is to remove financial fear when obtaining expert legal knowledge by ensuring that you know up-front exactly what our service will cost. Agreed Pricing also encourages a positive relationship with your lawyer, and the confidence to obtain qualified advice every time you need it, to protect yourself, your family and your livelihood.

Transparency and certainty are an essential part of any business transaction, and legal advice should be no different. Agreed Pricing details what work will be undertaken, what is in or out of scope, and what to expect from us. This model also encourages the timely achievement of legal outcomes, helping you to find solutions or reach resolutions quicker.

As a Reign Legal client, you will experience increased security and financial certainty, with no surprises or worry about unnecessary processes that increase price.

Agreed Pricing is where a lawyer will quote the price payable for legal services in a matter, which is accepted by the client prior to commencing work.  It is based on an agreed scope of services, which have been identified as necessary to deliver the desired outcomes.

There are many benefits to Agreed Pricing – so many, that you (and us!) will be wondering why more law firms haven’t implemented this structure.

Benefits to clients include:

  • Price certainty
  • Supports your choice of services
  • Ensures the scoping of your needs is indepth and thorough
  • You are paying for our expertise and work delivered, not for time
  • Risk sharing

For the Reign Team, this model is true to our core belief that certainty, consistency and confidence must underpin all work that we do, and that clarity and transparency builds positive and trusted relationships with our clients.

To fully evaluate the support a client will require, we listen carefully to our client’s story and needs, we ask the right questions and work hard to understand what the best outcome is.

If both parties are confident that we can move you to where you want to be, we will scope the work and propose the price.

Sometimes, this may involve further discussion of the possible outcomes. The Agreed Price proposed is always the summary of the scope of the work identified and the value we anticipate creating; not the time we spend on it.

Sometimes, it may be necessary to undertake a variation to the work agreed. If there is a change required in the agreed scope of work, we will discuss this with you, provide a new scope, and the additional set fee payable for the variation.